Herb, Lemongrass Plant
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A key ingredient in Asian cuisine.
Full Description (plant is 12 to 24 inches tall).
75-100 days. Lemongrass lends a fresh, fine, fragrant lemony tang with hints of ginger and mint. Adds bright, grassy, floral kick to curries, fish, shrimp, soups, stews, marinades and stir-fries. Use a ¼ teaspoon to make a refreshing tea, hot or cold. Or use in place of grated lemon rind in cookie and cake recipes. Lovely grass-like plant grows to 4 ft. in the first year. KITCHEN TIP: Before adding to dishes, slice lemongrass into rings or strips and bruise segments to release the flavor. Freezes well.
In cold regions, overwinter lemongrass indoors by digging up a few stalks, trimming them down to just a few inches tall, and planting them in smaller pots. Place them in a bright, south-facing window. Keep soil barely moist, as plants grow very slowly over winter. Another option is to store a pot of lemongrass, cut down, in a cool, dark place like a basement. Water just a few times over winter to keep roots alive. In spring, bring the pot into a bright spot, and resume normal watering. Shift outdoors when temperatures are above 40°F.
Due to its tropical nature, lemongrass usually only survives winters in zones 8 and warmer. In other areas, try growing lemongrass as an annual in planting beds or tucked into pots. This citrus-flavored grass overwinters well in a dormant state in a cool, dark spot indoors, or you can grow it as an indoor herb through winter in colder zones.
Shipped bare root wrapped with moist paper.